Monday, February 1, 2010

Tom Petty 11: Greatest Hits, Playback, Anthology

After he jumped ship to a new label, Petty’s old label felt entitled to put out a hits album. This being the modern age, of course, sixteen tracks fans already loved and owned were accompanied by two brand new ones. One of them, “Mary Jane’s Last Dance”, immediately became a huge hit and radio staple for the next fifteen years and counting. (So much so that the Red Hot Chili Peppers were criticized for the similarity of their “Dani California” to “Mary Jane”; Petty didn’t complain much, since he’d gotten away with copping the feel of “Waiting For The Sun” by the Jayhawks.) The other new song was a cover of Thunderclap Newman’s “Something In The Air”—close enough for a carbon copy.

Greatest Hits covered all the bases, despite the absence of anything from Let Me Up (I’ve Had Enough). It had strong legs for the rest of the century and well into the next one, but when it was reissued in 2008, “Something In The Air” was dropped in favor of “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around”, the Stevie Nicks single featuring the Heartbreakers.

As Petty continued to have success elsewhere, MCA kept digging for gold on their own property. They really stretched themselves for Playback, a six-CD box set with three discs of album tracks, one disc of B-sides and two discs of outtakes. It was a nice idea; each of the discs comes in a little cardboard album-style sleeve with its own title, while the booklet includes an overview, track notes and individual credits. Splitting the tracks up between the familiar and the not-so keep the flow going, and some of the unheard tracks are pretty entertaining, from early Mudcrutch recordings, alternate takes like the original non-Stevie version of “Stop Draggin’” and a pile of final sessions with Stan Lynch for the Greatest Hits album. But none of the discs were filled to capacity; the three non-rarities discs in Playback could have been cut back to two just fine, a few B-sides were AWOL and even the outtakes discs might have worked better as one.

The idea of two discs of hits must have occurred to somebody in marketing, because at the century’s end appeared Anthology: Through The Years, featuring everything from Greatest Hits except “Something In The Air” and various album tracks that hadn’t made it to the box set. Some of the better selections for the time were “Stop Draggin’” (the Stevie version), “Waiting For Tonight” featuring the Bangles (inexcusably left off Full Moon Fever but included on Playback), and “Surrender”, an old Heartbreakers chestnut not recorded to Petty’s satisfaction until 2000.

So if you want to dive into the catalog, your work’s cut out for you. Start with the Greatest Hits or splurge for the Anthology. But that will only take you up to 1993; it would be a while before any collection covered the period to follow.

Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers Greatest Hits (1993)—4
2008 remastered CD: same as 1993, plus 1 extra track (and minus 1 track)
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Playback (1995)—
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Anthology: Through The Years (2000)—4


  1. "Greatest Hits" is just about flawless for newcomers, which is one reason it's sold so much. However, I don't get why they saw fit to include the annoying "Here Comes my Girl" and the boring "Into the Great Wide Open", while excluding the fantastic "Jammin' Me". While the cover of "Something in the Air" is really only for big fans, "Mary Jane's Last Dance" is an absolute classic. Worth it just for that one song.

  2. “Playback” is one of those boxed sets that tries to be for both newbies and hardcores. For those who want the “Greatest Hits”, it has all of those, except for “Something in the Air”, which really wasn’t. Instead, it has “Jammin’ Me”, which should been there in the first place. Hardcores who have all the original albums will have the first three discs, of course. The essay and the band comments each of the tracks are interesting and entertaining.

    As for the rarities...well, it’s obvious is that Petty needed the Heartbreakers when you listen to the early stuff. These songs aren’t really all that good, even early versions of the “Damn the Torpedoes” tracks. Big pluses: the silly "Heartbreakers’ Beach Party"; “Crackin’ Up” (Nick Lowe is always worth hearing); “Psychotic Reaction”, “Down the Line”,“Ways to Be Wicked”, “Got Your Mind Made Up” and, especially, “You Got Through”. That one has Tom, Mike and Lenny Kravitz being Sly and the Family Stone all by themselves!

    Unfortunately, this seems to be out of print. It’s worth it, maybe even for hardcores, to track a used copy down.
